Inspired By Excellence & Innovation

We offer a wide range of high quality of teaching and extra-curricular activities.

College of Education, Kangere was originally established by law on 22nd September, 2014. The date on which the Bill to that effect as passed by
Honorable House of Assembly Bauchi State, and was accented to by his Excellency Governor, it was then known as Bauchi State Institute of Education Kangere
The decision to establish the College as a second NCE-awarding institution in the state was informed by the desire to increase the capacity of the State to provide a sufficient number of properly trained teachers for the rapidly growing number of Basic Education schools in the state, and the commitments rise in the school enrolment and retention. The increase in awareness of the populace on the importance of education for their children has led to a mounting pressure for more schools, and this translate to the demand for more competent teachers in public and private schools. These developments have led to the situation where an increasing number of qualified teachers are engaged by Government as teachers in public primary and secondary schools.
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